Wednesday 23 April 2008

Ah good friend

Rong Nan, my good friend studying in US nw....called me today.
She said she already helped me rent a room in Illinois for my visit to her.
And she also planned to go Chicago with me..
OMG...that is so sweet. I think i will definitely visit her by hook or cook..

I miss her so much...
I suddenly realised,
surprisingly, although we are good friends, we don't have a proper pic of us.
However, friendship is not about having nice pics together or not.
most importantly, no matter where they are, they are always in my heart.
I am most willingly to Share my sorrows and joys with them.
N in return, they always make me laugh with some extraordinarily funny comments..
This is y I rank friendship before relationship.
She is Rongnan...the good friend i am talking about

(Source: groped from her Facebook)

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