Sunday 17 August 2008


Ever since I came back from US, I found myself changed.
Changed into someone:
-neater:come to visit my room if u dun believe:P
-"Phantom":I am less active in Hall, except for talking craps and chit chatting with my good friends:Chloe, Kris, Jojo
-treasures everything around me:
of course not to mention my family, I am always good to them and put them as priority.
It is about Singapore. Living here like almost 9 yrs, perhaps I just took it for granted. It is surprised to see me not miss US just like the rest of my WAT sisters. I don't really miss US food. But I want to eat more of chinese food, jap food, korean food, malay food, indian food. I just dun no y, after visited US, HK, my will of staying Singapore is stronger.
This time seeing Merlion, I just found it beautiful. Although the skyline not as spectacular as Chicago's, it is still outstanding.

Next is my dear bf:Wei Ming. I really need to confess that I bullied him a lot last time:so impatient to him; always showed him my temper;being unreasonable.But now, I will tell anyone around me that I will treasure my bf from now on. When I was in US, we did not contact each other every day.(I just called him once every 2 weeks). He bought a webcam, but we only did video conference for ONCE. He is always there for me. Whenever I called him, I just cant help myself but crying. This is called true love. I guess. He is just like my family. Always there, always there without complaint.
I don't want to care about our future, but it should be a good one.
It is so good to love someone again. I am finally in love again.

-Photos taken on 17.08.08
P.S:Congraduate to Singapore Female Table tennis team won silver medal. It is not easy man~~good job~~
Of course, many claps to China, won the Gold medal for table tennis~~~

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